Starting January 1, 2011 gag grouper in Gulf federal waters will be off limits to recreational fishermen for at least six months.
A 2009 stock assessment conducted by a cooperative group of fisheries scientists and managers indicated that gag are both overfished (population abundance is too low) and experiencing overfishing (rate of removal too high). According to the assessment, gag populations are 40% of what they should be for a sustainable fishery.
As a result, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is mandated by The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to take immediate action to rebuild gag stocks to acceptable levels within ten years. The rebuilding plan is expected to be approved by the Council and implemented by NOAA Fisheries sometime in the fall. In the meantime an interim rule has been approved to mitigate overfishing while the long-term plan (Amendment 32 to the Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan) is developed and finalized.
The interim rule prohibits the recreational harvest of gag grouper in federal Gulf waters (beyond 9 nautical miles from shore) and establishes a 100,000 lb gag quota for the commercial fishing sector beginning January 1, 2011. As of now the interim rule lasts for 180 days. If new data presented at the Gulf Council's February meeting reflects that gag populations are in worse shape than previously thought, however, the Council can request a new interim rule, which could last another 186 days. If this happens, it is possible the recreational gag fishery could remain closed until the final gag rule is approved.
On a somewhat "brighter" note, the harvest of gag in Gulf state waters (within 9 nautical miles of shore) will remain open until the normal Feb 1-March 31 closure and all other state regulations remain the same. Typically the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission does not adopt federal regulations until a final rule has been implemented. To view the current state saltwater regulations visit:
A logical question you may ask yourself is why the commercial sector will still be allowed to harvest gag when the recreational anglers cannot. First off, it is important to remember the commercial gag fishery is managed under an individual fishing quota system and that the 100,000 pounds quota means each commercial fisherman with gag shares only gets 7% of his/her individual gag quota during the interim rule time period. The Gulf Council reasoned that the commercial sector incidentally catches gag on trips where they target other species. Commercial fishermen fish in deeper waters than recreational anglers, on average, and fish caught in deeper water are less likely to survive upon release than fish caught in shallow water. Therefore, the commercial fishery has a higher rate of release mortality (fish that die after they are caught and released) than the recreational sector. The 100,000 lbs quota will serve to prevent the wasteful discard of dead gags and instead, count the otherwise dead fish against the annual commercial quota, which will be established in the final gag grouper rule.
To learn more about the gag grouper closure and frequently asked questions regarding the subject visit:
Before you begin your search for grant applications it should be noted, first and foremost, that all grant applications are free grant applications. Foundations exist ...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Florida Sea Grant College Program Site Review and Stakeholder Engagement
These days accountability is a key trait required for any organization (particularly public ones) to justify their existence in providing services to their stakeholders. The Florida Sea Grant College Program (FSGCP) is no different. Recently the program underwent a comprehensive site review by a National Sea Grant Site Review Team (SRT). The SRT focused the review and discussion on how well the FSGCP met the three broad SRT categories: 1) Organization and Management of the Program; 2) Stakeholder Engagement; and 3) Collaborative Network Activities.
While all three of these categories are no doubt important to the organization, as a local extension agent, stakeholder engagement is critical to the continued sustainability and success of my program. Interacting and soliciting feedback from my stakeholders is something I take a lot of pride in when developing, executing, and evaluating my programs. This engagement helps ensure my programs remain relevant to the audiences I serve. One aspect I am particularly proud of is the establishment and development of my local advisory committee, which consists of 9 members representing public and private agencies/organizations involved with local coastal issues. Over the years they have proved to be a great asset to my extension program, and I cannot thank them enough. While the site review does not obviously just refer to my work, it is a reflection of the type of performance and service provided by my other Sea Grant colleagues around the state, and I wanted to share some of the findings. I hope this information provides a little more insight into how Florida Sea Grant operates to ensure it remains relevant to the stakeholders it serves across the state and region.
...Care is taken to ensure that FSGCP research is relevant to coastal constituent needs and involves
extension and outreach. Engagement with stakeholders starts with the development of their four year
strategic plan (most recently for 2009-2013). The Strategic Plan is developed once every four years and starts with an issues survey completed by Advisory Committees of individual county-based extension agents and Florida residents (including more than a thousand coastal business owners, elected officials, and residents for the 2009-2013 cycle), and a two-day planning workshop attended by all members of the FSGCP Advisory Council, educators, university and agency scientists, resource managers, extension specialists and agents, and representatives from a variety of coastal business sectors (over 80 participants for the 2009-2013 cycle). In addition to participating in the planning workshop, the FSGCP Advisory Council works with the leadership team to development the final drafts of the Strategic and Implementation Plans.
The FSGCP prioritizes their RFP for research, based on their FSGCP Strategic Plan objectives and a relevancy review. The process starts with strategic priority research topics drawn from those identified in the Strategic Plan. In addition to requiring that projects address these priorities, the Program ensures relevance of the research portfolio: pre-proposals are screened by industry and agency experts; researchers are required to work with end-users in developing research proposals; and full proposals must contain a detailed outreach plan. Most projects engage a marine extension agent to assist in developing the required outreach component of the project plan. All these efforts result in research partnerships between university faculty and either specific private sector end users or resource management agencies. The linkage between research
investigators and stakeholders was very good in selected areas presented during the review. The FSGCP Communication produces materials to assist extension staff in engaging with coastal stakeholders. Research findings are primarily communicated by meetings, workshops, the FSGCP website, Program Highlights documents, newsletters and other written materials to convey coastal and marine-related information to stakeholders. Research findings are translated into these communications output and provided to extension personnel, the National Sea Grant Library, and the public. In terms of PDF downloads from the National Sea Grant Library, the FSGCP leads the Sea Grant Network (~170,000 downloads of FSGCP documents in 2009). New methods of information delivery, such as social media (e.g., YouTube and Facebook) are increasing exposure for the Program as a source of reliable, science-based information. Just as important are the many personal contacts through office visits, telephone calls, and letters. These 8 often are initiated by a broad range of people who have come to rely on the FSGCP for unbiased information.Relevance
The FSGCP Extension Program is providing valuable and relevant services to a broad range of Florida constituents. Coastal constituents direct the activities of every FSGCP marine extension agent. Each agent has his/her own unique advisory committee of 10 to 20 members that represent the coastal region in which they serve (e.g., local business leaders, mayors, county commissioners, federal and state agency representatives, educators, non-profits). Most extension agents are housed in their respective county extension offices, and report to that host office, to the FSGCP, and to IFAS Extension. Inter-weaving activities and reporting among these interests, each agent prepares an annual Plan of Work that is based on local needs, yet consistent with FSGCP priorities. During an annual planning retreat of all FSGCP extension agents and specialists with the leadership team, a coordinated, programmed team approach is accomplished.
To keep communication lines open, a quarterly newsletter and Work Action Teams on topical areas, such as sustainable fishes, artificial reefs, seafood safety, aquaculture, education, and boating and waterway management, are a primary means for development and implementation of statewide extension projects. One issue that was not made clear during the visit is how county agents provide feedback to state level on programs; presumably, the Work Action Teams allow for this.
The FSGCP Program has a powerful approach for engaging coastal constituents. Formal procedures ensure that research, communications, education and extension work together to transfer research to coastal stakeholders and that research is relevant to stakeholder needs.
The Program is active in network activities, with nationally and internationally recognized expertise, including seafood safety and economics, boating and waterway management, and sutainable aquaculture and fisheries. The interaction between the FSGCP and NOAA programs is laudable.
If you would like to see the full site review report, email me at
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Red Grouper: Ocean Engineers
The red grouper (Epinephelus morio) is one of the most economically important commercial and recreational species in the Gulf of Mexico. Besides their importance as a popular seafood dish, researchers have discovered they also play a significant role in their underwater environment by acting as “marine engineers.” A group of researchers led by Dr. Felicia Coleman of Florida State University recently discovered that red grouper help enhance biodiversity by creating and maintaining structural habitat for other marine life.
Although much of the Gulf bottom is relatively featureless, “solution holes” exist that formed thousands of years ago when sea level was lower, and freshwater dissolved holes in the limestone surface. When sea level rose to its present state, these solution holes filled with sediment. Red grouper are commonly associated with these limestone solution holes, but scientists were never able to demonstrate they actually helped create and maintain them.
Although much of the Gulf bottom is relatively featureless, “solution holes” exist that formed thousands of years ago when sea level was lower, and freshwater dissolved holes in the limestone surface. When sea level rose to its present state, these solution holes filled with sediment. Red grouper are commonly associated with these limestone solution holes, but scientists were never able to demonstrate they actually helped create and maintain them.
Coleman and her colleagues discovered that red grouper remove the sediment from these holes, and help restructure the flat bottom into a three dimensional structure. Much like beavers who construct dams, red grouper act as ecosystem engineers that modify their environment and create habitat for themselves and other species. They remove sand with their mouths, exposing the limestone bottom that can be colonized by other marine life such as corals, anemones, and sponges as well as the organisms that depend on them. The study also showed that commercially important species such as spiny lobster, black grouper, red porgy and vermillion snapper among others, benefited from the red grouper's engineering abilities. Red grouper, however, also benefited from digging the holes. “Watching these fish dig holes was amazing enough, Dr Coleman noted, “but then we realized that the sites served to attract mates, beneficial species such as cleaner shrimp that pick parasites and food scraps off the resident fish, and a variety of prey species for the red grouper. So it's no surprise that the fish are remarkably sedentary. Why move if everything you need comes to you?”
Researchers observed excavating behaviors in both juvenile red grouper in shallow waters of the Florida Keys and in adults offshore in marine reserves in the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Coleman noted, “We found through a series of experiments that they not only dug the holes, but maintained them by carrying mouthfuls of sediment from the center of the pit to the periphery and expelling them through their gills and mouths and then brushing off the rocks with their tail fins.”
In the study juvenile groupers were placed in bottomless cages over sediment-filled holes, and were observed digging new holes; in one case a fish dug deep enough to escape the cage. Researchers also placed activated charcoal in multiple identified grouper holes in both shallow and deep waters to observe the rate at which red grouper excavated the material. They were observed removing the charcoal within two hours of being placed there, and most was completely removed from all sites within 24 hours. Researchers used video cameras to document the diversity and abundance of marine life associated with the groupers' engineering in the Keys. The research team discovered that the average numbers of fish were higher over grouper holes, and with bigger holes there were even larger numbers. For the offshore sites, researchers used submarines and remotely operated video camera to document species diversity and abundance. Active grouper sites had greater species diversity and abundance than inactive or sandy bottom sites. In one of the offshore study locations, most of the exposed rock was encrusted in sponges as well as soft and hard corals. Certain species such as sea urchins were only found at maintained grouper holes. Coleman’s study may have significant implications for future fisheries management and biodiversity protection, as it demonstrates critical connections between this economically valuable species and its environment. “What are the consequences of overfishing these habitat engineers?” asks coauthor Dr. Chris Koenig. “You can't remove an animal that can dig a hole five meters across and several meters deep to reveal the rocky substrate and expect there to be no effect on reef communities.”
The study entitled, “Benthic Habitat Modification through Excavation by Red Grouper, Epinephelus morio, in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico,” is published in The Open Fish Science Journal.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Cold Weather Impacts on Marine Life
One of many dead manatees found during the record 2010 cold event. |
Manatee "foot print" |
For instance, manatees typically seek warm-water refuge near power plants, springs, and rivers as water temperatures decrease. Boaters should keep a close look out for the marine mammals moving into coastal waters to reach theses areas, and strictly obey all posted speed restrictions and manatee protection zones to avoid potential vessel strikes. Wearing polarized sunglasses will help spot manatees and boaters should watch for manatee “foot prints” (large tell-tale circular slicks on the water’s surface) that indicates the presence of the animal.
Manatees and other marine life such as sea turtles can quickly become disorientated and stressed when exposed to colder water temperatures for extended periods of time. Symptoms of a cold-stressed manatee can include but are not limited to white skin around the face, flippers and tail and/or deep grooves on the underside from the animal using significant amounts of their fat stores in order to keep warm. Sea turtles tend to float listlessly in the water or wash onto shore when they are cold stressed.
If you encounter an injured or dead manatee or other wildlife you are encouraged to call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) Wildlife Alert Hotline: 1-888-404-FWCC (3922).** Due to limited resources wildlife officials may not be able to respond to your call immediately. If it is possible, keep an eye on the animal in question and document its condition as well as its location. The more specific information you can provide officials, the more prepared they will be in their rescue attempt.
A dead mullet washed up on shore |
Fish affected by the cold may appear lethargic and may be seen at the surface where the water may be warmer from the sun. It is important to remember all recreational fishing regulations still apply to fish affected by cold temperatures. Even if you come across a dead or dying fish that is legal to keep, it is never recommended to eat any fish that appears sick or is already dead due to elevated bacterial levels and associated heath concerns.
Reporting fish kills that occur in natural water bodies is an important step in helping to protect Florida’s fisheries. These reports help state scientists keep track of the location and extent of fish kills in natural lakes and estuaries, and to see if there are problems developing in an ecosystem that might require investigation or restorative measures. To report fish kills that occur in natural water bodies call the FWC Fish Kill Hotline:1-800-636-0511 or visit
Friday, December 17, 2010
Recording of Florida Aquaculture Products Webinar
Yesterday, as part of my "Brown Bag" webinar series I provided an overview of Florida aquaculture products.
The goal of the webinar is to increase participants’ knowledge and awareness of the diversity of aquaculture products produced in Florida and shed some light on the value of this important industry to the
state's economy and people.
Webinar Recording
(You might get a message that blocks you from downloading the webinar; you will need to click on "allow" to let your computer download the presentation)
To make sure your computer is compatible with Elluminate Live, go to: and work through steps 1 and 2.
If you have connection problems, please contact Ron Thomas with UF/IFAS distance education at
- Florida ranks 7th in the nation for total aquaculture production
- Florida aquafarms produce over 1500 varieties of fish, plants, mollusks, crustaceans, and reptiles
- Florida is the nation's leading producer of freshwater tropical ornamental fish
- Florida aquaculture net sales in 2007 was approximately $63 million dollars
- Florida's aquaculture products are used for food, aquarium use, high fashion, gardening, restoration projects, fee-fishing, bait, biological control, and research
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Division of Aquaculture
2011-2012 Florida Aquaculture Plan:
Florida Aquaculture Association:
UF/IFAS Tropical Ornamental Laboratory:
UF/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program:
University of Miami Aquaculture:
Mote Marine Lab Aquaculture Park:
Harbor Branch/ FAU Aquaculture:
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Water Quality Testing on a Cold Day!
Yesterday I began assisting Collier County's Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Department with their coastal water quality sampling. I'm not going to lie, it was nice to get out on the water, but it was COLD!!!!
I went out with Pamela Keyes, who is among many other things, the County's artificial reef coordinator. We took measurements at various spots within the Cocohatchee estuary system in the northern part of the county. While Pam collected water samples (to be analyzed back at a lab for various parameters such as nitrates and fecal coliform) I used a YSI probe to collect information about water temperature, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. I also used a good ol' secchi disk to measure water clarity.
I've agreed to help CZM do sampling once a month. Its a good chance for me to see parts of the county I don't normally get to see and learn new skills. In addition, it allows me to better educate others about water quality issues in the County and explain what kind of data the county is collecting and why they're doing it.
On the flip side, CZM, like many county departments are being asked to do more with less these days due to budget cuts. By training me on sampling protocols, it provides their department with an extra person who can do water quality testing and saves them money by not having to hire extra help. Its a win-win situation.
This is the YSI probe I used to collect data about water conditions |
I know its hard to see, but the water temp reads 12.08 degrees C. (approximately 54 degree F). |
One of the sampling sites Near Vanderbilt Beach |
A very bundled up Pamela collecting water samples from a canal we traveled to |
me using a secchi disk to measure water clarity |
A beautiful, but COLD day near Wiggins Pass |
Friday, December 10, 2010
Clean Marina Program Walk Through
(From FDEP website) "The Florida Clean Marina Programs are designed to bring awareness to marine facilities and boaters regarding environmentally friendly practices intended to protect and preserve Florida’s natural environment. Marinas, boatyards and marine retailers receive clean designations by demonstrating a commitment implementing and maintaining a host of best management practices. The program is a voluntary designation program with a proactive approach to environmental stewardship. Participants receive assistance in implementing Best Management Practices through on-site and distance technical assistance, mentoring by other Clean Marinas and continuing education. To become designated as a Clean Marina, facilities must implement a set of environmental measures designed to protect Florida’s waterways. These measures address critical environmental issues such as sensitive habitat, waste management, stormwater control, spill prevention and emergency preparedness. Designated facilities and those facilities seeking designation receive ongoing technical support from the Florida Clean Marina Program and the Clean Boating Partnership."
Promoting proper boat cleaning BMPs among vendors, sub contractors, and yacht club members is an integral part of the Clean Marina Program |
Florida Sea Grant is an active partner in supporting and promoting the Clean Marina Program. Typically agents help provide technical advice and support for facilities interested in becoming certified by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the lead agency in the program. Yesterday, I assisted Laura Comer who is the regional Clean Marina Coordinator review designation process paperwork with the Naples Yacht and Sailing Club who is working towards designation. We wet the the Yacht Club's dockmaster to follow up on recommended actions we made several months ago. I'm proud to say they have made considerable progress and are in deed on their way to becoming a designated Florida Clean Marina.
Clean Marina Coordinator Laura Comer looks over some new educational oil spill prevention signage put up by Naples Yacht and Sailing Club |
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Florida Natural Resource Leadership Institute Advisory Council Gets Underway
The Florida Natural Resources Leadership Institute (NRLI) is a year-long leadership training program offered through the University of Florida Extension Service that helps the people, industries, and agencies of Florida collaborate in achieving the often conflicting goals of protecting the environment and fostering economic development. NRLI helps rising leaders develop skills to build consensus around contentious environmental issues and move beyond conflict to find solutions. Through eight three-day sessions and practicum exercise, NRLI Fellows gain knowledge of Florida natural resource issues, leadership skills, professional networking opportunities, and personal and social growth. To date, 170 "fellows" have participated and graduated from the program. Not only am I proud graduate of the program (Class VIII), I also serve as the president of the NRLI Alumni Association.
Recently, I was asked to serve on the NRLI Advisory Council, whose purpose is to serve in an advisory mode to the NRLI director and project team regarding program policies and procedues.
Dr. Laila Raceevskis, Director of NRLI discusses with the council ways to sustain the progam for future participants |
Yesterday I traveled to Gainesville to attend the first council meeting. The council is comprised of 21 members representing private sector, NGO's, governmental agencies, and academia. It will help identify training and education needs that will appeal to potential participants as well as develop recruitment and fundraising strategies to help sustain the program.
I can honestly say NRLI is the best leadership training program I have ever been through, and it has had a profound impact on how I work and interact with others and develop my outreach and education programming. I feel honored to be a part of this organization, and I look forward to working with the diverse group of talented professionals who make up the council in order promote and sustain a program that has meant so much to me.
If you would like to learn more about NRLI, do not hesitate to contact me! Class XI will begin next August and the project team is always looking for interested participants.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Florida "Escapes" a busy 2010 Hurricane Season
Today officially marks the end of what has been deemed a busy hurricane season, and ironically and thankfully, Florida "escaped" the season without so much as a scratch. Just becuase we came out ok this time, however, doesn't mean we'll have the same fate in future seasons. While Floridians can "relax" a bit as the 2010 season concludes, it won't be long before we are reminded again of the potential hazards associated with these powerful storms.
I thought you'd enjoy this press release from the NOAA about the 2010 hurricane season. Enjoy!
Extremely Active Atlantic Hurricane Season was a 'Gentle Giant' for U.S.
NOAA’s Prediction for Active Season Realized; Slow Eastern Pacific Season Sets Record
November 29, 2010
According to NOAA the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season, which ends tomorrow, was one of the busiest on record. In contrast, the eastern North Pacific season had the fewest storms on record since the satellite era began.
In the Atlantic Basin a total of 19 named storms formed – tied with 1887 and 1995 for third highest on record. Of those, 12 became hurricanes – tied with 1969 for second highest on record. Five of those reached major hurricane status of Category 3 or higher.
These totals are within the ranges predicted in NOAA’s seasonal outlooks issued on May 27 (14-23 named storms; 8-14 hurricanes; 3-7 major hurricanes) and August 5 (14-20 named storms; 8-12 hurricanes; 4-6 major hurricanes). An average Atlantic season produces 11 named storms, six hurricanes and two major hurricanes.
Large-scale climate features strongly influenced this year’s hurricane activity, as they often do. This year, record warm Atlantic waters, combined with the favorable winds coming off Africa and weak wind shear aided by La Niña energized developing storms. The 2010 season continues the string of active hurricane seasons that began in 1995.
But short-term weather patterns dictate where storms actually travel and in many cases this season, that was away from the United States. The jet stream’s position contributed to warm and dry conditions in the eastern U.S. and acted as a barrier that kept many storms over open water. Also, because many storms formed in the extreme eastern Atlantic, they re-curved back out to sea without threatening land.
“As NOAA forecasters predicted, the Atlantic hurricane season was one of the most active on record, though fortunately most storms avoided the U.S. For that reason, you could say the season was a gentle giant,” said Jack Hayes, Ph.D., director of NOAA’s National Weather Service.
Other parts of the Atlantic basin weren’t as fortunate. Hurricane Tomas brought heavy rain to earthquake-ravaged Haiti, and several storms, including Alex, battered eastern Mexico and Central America with heavy rain, mudslides and deadly flooding.
Though La Niña helped to enhance the Atlantic hurricane season, it also suppressed storms from forming and strengthening in the eastern North Pacific. Of that region’s seven named storms this year, three grew into hurricanes and two of those became major hurricanes. This is the fewest named storms (previous record low was eight in 1977) and the fewest hurricanes (previous record low was four in 1969, 1970, 1977 and 2007) on record since the satellite era began in the mid-1960s. An average eastern North Pacific season produces 15 named storms, nine hurricanes and four major hurricanes.
NOAA's National Weather Service is the primary source of weather data, forecasts and warnings for the United States and its territories. NOAA’s National Weather Service operates the most advanced weather and flood warning and forecast system in the world, helping to protect lives and property and enhance the national economy. Visit us online at and on Facebook.
I thought you'd enjoy this press release from the NOAA about the 2010 hurricane season. Enjoy!
2010 Hurricane tracks (Image credit: NOAA) |
NOAA’s Prediction for Active Season Realized; Slow Eastern Pacific Season Sets Record
November 29, 2010
According to NOAA the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season, which ends tomorrow, was one of the busiest on record. In contrast, the eastern North Pacific season had the fewest storms on record since the satellite era began.
In the Atlantic Basin a total of 19 named storms formed – tied with 1887 and 1995 for third highest on record. Of those, 12 became hurricanes – tied with 1969 for second highest on record. Five of those reached major hurricane status of Category 3 or higher.
These totals are within the ranges predicted in NOAA’s seasonal outlooks issued on May 27 (14-23 named storms; 8-14 hurricanes; 3-7 major hurricanes) and August 5 (14-20 named storms; 8-12 hurricanes; 4-6 major hurricanes). An average Atlantic season produces 11 named storms, six hurricanes and two major hurricanes.
Large-scale climate features strongly influenced this year’s hurricane activity, as they often do. This year, record warm Atlantic waters, combined with the favorable winds coming off Africa and weak wind shear aided by La Niña energized developing storms. The 2010 season continues the string of active hurricane seasons that began in 1995.
But short-term weather patterns dictate where storms actually travel and in many cases this season, that was away from the United States. The jet stream’s position contributed to warm and dry conditions in the eastern U.S. and acted as a barrier that kept many storms over open water. Also, because many storms formed in the extreme eastern Atlantic, they re-curved back out to sea without threatening land.
“As NOAA forecasters predicted, the Atlantic hurricane season was one of the most active on record, though fortunately most storms avoided the U.S. For that reason, you could say the season was a gentle giant,” said Jack Hayes, Ph.D., director of NOAA’s National Weather Service.
Other parts of the Atlantic basin weren’t as fortunate. Hurricane Tomas brought heavy rain to earthquake-ravaged Haiti, and several storms, including Alex, battered eastern Mexico and Central America with heavy rain, mudslides and deadly flooding.
Though La Niña helped to enhance the Atlantic hurricane season, it also suppressed storms from forming and strengthening in the eastern North Pacific. Of that region’s seven named storms this year, three grew into hurricanes and two of those became major hurricanes. This is the fewest named storms (previous record low was eight in 1977) and the fewest hurricanes (previous record low was four in 1969, 1970, 1977 and 2007) on record since the satellite era began in the mid-1960s. An average eastern North Pacific season produces 15 named storms, nine hurricanes and four major hurricanes.
NOAA's National Weather Service is the primary source of weather data, forecasts and warnings for the United States and its territories. NOAA’s National Weather Service operates the most advanced weather and flood warning and forecast system in the world, helping to protect lives and property and enhance the national economy. Visit us online at and on Facebook.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Florida Master Naturalist Graduates!
Today was our last day of Florida Master Naturalist Program-my students presented their final projects, and I'm excited to say there are 14 new graduates of the FMNP Coastal Module! In addition, we had two students (Derek and Helen Day) finish their final module, making them official "Florida Master Naturalists." Including this class I've had a total of 40 students take a class from me in 2010. Congrats to everyone!!
I know I say this about all my classes, but they really were an outstanding group. I personally learned a lot from them, and courses like these are an ideal way to learn about peoples' different perspectives about various environmental issues. As an extension agent, I find this invaluable. I wish the class the best of luck with their future environmental education endeavors. Enjoy the pictures!!
I know I say this about all my classes, but they really were an outstanding group. I personally learned a lot from them, and courses like these are an ideal way to learn about peoples' different perspectives about various environmental issues. As an extension agent, I find this invaluable. I wish the class the best of luck with their future environmental education endeavors. Enjoy the pictures!!
Justin, AKA" Florida", discusses how "drained" he is since much of south Floridas' ecosystems have been altered in the 20th century |
"Ranger Trudy" demonstrating to her guests how long a gopher tortoise burrow is using a measuring tape. |
A little friendly competition during "Sea Turtle Jeapordy!" I don't mean to brag, but our group won!!!!!!!! |
A dedicated group of mangrove enthusiasts describing the many ways red manrgroves play an important ecological role in our estuaries |
"Bobby the Bird" showing the class his moves!! |
"Bobby" helps explain to the class how different creatures move along our coastline |
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Fishing Trip...Dominica Style!!
This morning I had the privilege of going out on charter fishing trip with a visiting research scholar from the island country of Dominica. Riviere Delanco Sebastien works for his country's Ministry of Fisheries where he does fisheries outreach and education. For the past several days Riviere, accompanied by his daughter and Florida Sea Grant's Research Coordinator Charles Sidman, have been visiting Southwest Florida to meet with me and other Sea Grant agents to see how our programs operate at the local level. Riviere is interested in applying what he learns here in Florida to his work back home. Last night the group attended my advisory committee meeting to see how we agents interact and work with our committee members.
Since fishing is such an important of our economy and culture, I invited the group to go fishing with one of my advisory committee members, Captain Will Geraghy of Grand Slam Charters for a 1/2 day charter trip. I found out that both Riviere and his daughter had never fished from a boat so it made the experience even more memorable. Besides the fishing, it was a chance for Riviere to see Naples from the water and learn about some of the resource issues associated with it. We had a great time and caught some nice fish. The experience also was a great opportunity for us to discuss future collaboration between Florida Sea Grant and his country. Hopefully, I'll have the chance to visit Dominica one of these days!. Enjoy the pictures.
DINNER!!!!!! |
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Florida Master Naturalist Field Trip to Tigertail Beach!
Yesterday I took my awesome Florida Master Naturalist Class to Tigertail Lagoon and Beach on Marco Island. I can honestly say it is one of my favorite spots to visit in Collier County. Its a great example of a tidal lagoon ecosystem complete with mangroves, seagrassess, and mudflats. If you are into birding, its a great spot to test your knowledge of shorebirds. I'll have to admit I got stumped on a few yesterday, but some of the birds we saw included: Black bellied plover, dunlin, sanderling, willet, Wilson plover, semi-palmated plover, least or western sandpiper (can't say for sure), laughing gull, osprey, great egret, snowy egret, tri-colored heron, little blue heron, white ibis, great blue heron, and brown pelican.
We did one of my favorite all-time activities....seining! Its such a great way to explore the amazing biodiversity associated with seagrass communities. The water was a little chilly, but we brought in some good hauls. I had the class try to identify some of the fish species using a Seine Net Species ID Sheet I created. I said the group is awesome for a reason- hey knew their fish!!! Some of the critters we caught in the lagoon included:
sheepshead minnow, goldspotted killifish, rainwater killifish, sailfin molly, orange filefish, white grunt, lane snapper, bay anchovy, silverside, mullet, mojarra, pinfish, shrimp, and blue crab. We then went to the beach side to pull the seine net along the shoreline. Its a great way for students to compare/contrast the diversity from the two communities. Our catch included mojarras, scaled sardine, anchovies, planehead filefish southern puffer, pipefish, and whiting.
Perhaps the catch of the day though came from a student named Kelly who grabbed a gray triggerfish out of the water with her bare hands!!!!!!!!! Very impressive!! Enjoy the pictures (click on them to see them enlarged).
seining in the lagoon |
examining part of our catch |
Round 2 of seining |
Tigertail Lagoon consists mostly of Shoal Grass. Notice the mangroves lining the edges |
Kelly seemed to be quite efficient at finding sea stars and other marine life!! |
seine netting along the shoreline |
Kelly's Bare-Handed Grab....Gray Triggerfish!!! |
Exploring a tide pool on Tigertail Beach |
Tigertail Lagoon at an extremely low tide; notice the shorebirds feeding along the mudflats |
No field trip is complete without a little hike across the lagoon!! |
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